Hooray for Losers!

For hockey fans, my streak of days picking a money game correctly now stands at 17 days after last night’s unpopular, but correct, Vancouver over Colorado pick. If the Kings hadn’t surprised the Stars I would have had a perfect day. On the topic of hockey, and I’m not sure how many hockey fans are out there, but I have a bone to pick. A few years back a massive brain fart by the powers that be in the NHL decided it would be a great idea to start giving teams a point for losing games. If you’ve ever seen a hockey stat in the paper you’ll see something like this: 11-7-1-4, which means 11 wins, 7 losses, 1 tie, and 4 losses in overtime. In the old (read: good) days of the NHL, that stat would be 11-11-1 – 11 wins, 11 losses, 1 tie. In the present NHL, 11-7-1-4 equals 27 points, while in the old days, 23. So now not only are teams being rewarded for being losers in Overtime, but you’ll actually get teams like the Leafs last year who score 100 points and start proclaiming how great they are to have finally scored more than 100 points. You’re not great, you got 4 points for losing in Overtime, and therefore have 96 points. Losers.

And as a special reward for sitting through my little venting, I present to you your own opportunity to purchase a Bible autographed by Jesus! I’m not sure what’s worse, the fact someone is selling a Bible autographed “To Nick, Keep on Truckin’, Love Jesus” or the fact that bidding is already up to $31.


One Strange Christmas

For those of you that enjoy hockey, you best have been looking at one of my other sites, Gaming Jackpots, where I presently hold a 15-day unbeaten streak in picking NHL money games. If you like hockey, and you like betting, why not bet some hockey? :)

Just for fun, I want to try and collect some of the strangest Christmas songs that exist out there. Do you have one handy in MP3, or a suggestion I could attempt to dig up? I think the oddest one I have personally is Henry Rollins doing “Twas the Night Before Christmas”, but I’m sure there must be others. If you’ve got any, either E-mail them to me or just post in comments with a link or suggestion. Let’s see if we can’t make the RICKJESSUP.com Christmas post a full downloadable album of oddities?

And now, to close, here’s my little piece on “When Spam Goes Bad”. See, those who’ve e-mailed me off the site know my e-mail address is me@rickjessup, and placing it out here in public means I get added to all sorts of lists by losers who are now rich while those with morals and a general caring of others are stuck being broke. However, because many of you have e-mail addresses of firstname@domain.com, one particular mass spammer has decided my name is “me”. Not altogether funny, until you read some of the subject lines of recent spam:

Cash for me!
Good news for me!
New concept of giving for me
Information for me
me be lean! fit and young!
me erase incriminating files
me turn back time

Alas, nobody ever accused spammers of being smart..


Survivor V, Week V

All you Survivor fans, my pick is now up and can be found here:


And good news this week, last year’s pool Champion ironclive has decided to write his picks in again as well, and his are up there too. You’ll see the link when you hit the page above. Of course, spoilers are possible, I am prognosticating – if you don’t want to risk knowing what happens, don’t read. Because if you complain, I won’t listen. :)

Time to get a proposal ready and then I’m off to cook Braised Steak in Red Wine at chef school tonight. Wild.


Preferring It Back Inside

The last week and a half have truly been a whirlwind – the next few days should be a welcome respite from the constant movement. When I had noted in Vegas below that “sleep won’t be an option” I wasn’t lying – as it turned out I didn’t sleep my last two days there. I managed to squeeze a lot of sights and sounds into those two days, though, so I don’t regret it. The plane ride home was murder because everything on me wanted to shut down and crash, but because I had a changeover I couldn’t just lie back for hours and sleep. When I got back it was catching up on my precious Survivor and Big Brother, then up Sunday for a family dinner at my grandparents. Monday was spent catching up on lost work, then Tuesday and Wednesday at The Angry Tomato to learn some on-the-job cooking in a professional kitchen. That was a lot of fun, and I don’t *think* I messed anything up. All’s well that ends well, right? Then today it’s back catching up on work and I have to leave in two hours for cooking class in Toronto. And just when I think I can see the other side, I’ve remembered I’ll be getting three more movies to review tomorrow – and trust me, this is much harder work than I ever thought it was. I still enjoy watching the movies, but the 4-5 hours I need to allocate to each movie for the in-depth reviews is just too much.

That said, I’ve now added a new menu option on your left with links to the last two weeks worth of DVD reviews, in case some of you are interested. Clive suggested I add a rating system, which I have for the past few weeks. Thanks to him for that suggestion. But I haven’t stopped there…

Gaming Jackpots, my gaming site, launched a suite of free casino games in Flash today. They look pretty nice, all the popular games are there, and you get 1000 free credits to start. I can always add more if you bottom out, just e-mail me. I’ve placed a link on your left under Fun Junk in case any of you are bored and want to play a little Blackjack or some Slots. There are other games there too. Hopefully you enjoy them!

And for those that asked what I got to make in the restaurant the last two days – a lot of House, Greek, Caesar, Grilled Chicken Caesar, and Blackened Chicken Ceasar salads; Garlic Bread (with and without cheese); Chicken and Goat Cheese Salad; Blackened Chicken Wrap; Club Wrap; Chicken Wrap; Veal Sandwich; French Fries; Sweet Potato Fries; Blackened Chicken Pasta; Cauliflower Soup; Pasta Pomodoro; Breaded Veal; and Margarita, Ariana, and Louisiana Pizza. You can check out the menus here and here.

Now it’s off to class to make a Lasagna..


Rick in Vegas III (Final)

This is going to be my last report until I get home Saturday night, Internet is just too expensive when it’s not free here in the press room at G2E – thanks to the organizers of the event for thinking of us.

Interesting day – I finally met up with John, a friend online for a few years. We’re going to team up with Steve and meet another online friend Barry for a night on the town tonight. Things are pretty cool around here, I like the town, wouldn’t mind coming back sometime.

On the show floor, today was the final day. Swag everywhere as they try to unload it – the nice lady at the Sega booth even begged us to drink from her keg beause she didn’t want to cart beer back home. We helped. :) The Baywatch girls are handing out smoothies, other scantily clad ladies are handing out t-shirts at the WMS and Mikohn booths, and IGT spent a bit of time yelling at me for taking pictures of their slots. SLOTS. As in, machines. :) Pretty interesting show, hopefully the contacts I’ve made will help back home.

So until Saturday night, alas my time here is almost done. I haven’t hit Emeril’s or Coyote Cafe yet so I need to get moving. And John’s mad that I haven’t seen anything on the list he gave me so it looks like sleep isn’t an option the next two days.

Take care, be well, enjoy Survivor without me, and see you Saturday!
