As always, PromoGuy asks the hard questions, and we don’t shy away from answers.
1. Suppose God grants you one miracle. Consider the world in which we live. Consider your life and family. What would you request for this miracle? Are you sure that is the best way to use it? You only get one.
My first attempt would be to wish for 1,000 more wishes. There is no case history on the effectiveness of this wish, but in the highly probable case it didn’t work, I think I’d wish for God to show himself to all residents of Earth. Reason being, it’d be a lot harder to be evil if you knew for sure what was waiting for you around the next bend.
2. Have you ever had an experience where you truly believe your prayer was answered? If you don’t believe in such things, how come? What is your philosophy on prayer?
My grandfather survived prostate cancer and the replacement of the main valve to his heart last year, so yeah, I believe prayer can be answered. Unfortunately, people seem to think asking God for something means it has to come true, simply because they asked. So when bad things happen they instantly become cynical SOBs feeling they’re owed something. That irritates me.
3. Have you ever lost a pet? That is, have you ever had a pet get loose, run away or be stolen? Did you get it back? How did the loss impact your life?
My dog Bubba got stolen from the front porch when I was a very young child, probably 3 or 4. I still remember him, though. I used to ride around on his back and stuff, he was pretty cool. My Mom, sister, and I left to go to my Mom’s bowling league one morning and all that was left was a cut leash. I remember driving around trying to find him to no avail. Impact? It sucked, that’s about it. It’d probably hurt more if Taco was stolen now.
4. What is your favorite holiday food?
Dude, the chocolate. All the chocolate. Every last bit of it. Except Icy Cups, they suck hard. Honourable mention to turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, and Nan’s punch.
5. Are there are dishes or desserts that someone in your family fixes better than anyone else?
My Mom makes the best Spaghetti, my Dad makes the best steak, my Grandmother (Nan) makes the best goose, and my other Grandmother (Dodo) can bake anything better than anybody. If anyone has a problem with any of these I’d be happy to take them out back for a whuppin’.
6. Do you have any siblings with children? How does it make you feel to be an Aunt or an Uncle? If not, would you like to be have nieces and nephews? Would you make a good relative to them?
I’ve got no siblings with children, but I really look forward to the day I get to be an Uncle. I love kids, and typically kids love me. Can’t wait.
7. I am putting together a CD of great holiday music. Do you have any suggestions of what songs (title/artist) I should include?
Yes, yes I do. The entire A Charlie Brown Christmas by Vince Guaraldi, Les Anges Dans Nos Campagnes by Bruce Cockburn, Old Toy Trains and Whose Birthday is Christmas by The Statler Brothers, The Greatest Gift Of All by Kenny & Dolly, and Senor Santa Claus and Blue Christmas by Jim Reeves. I could go more in depth, but that’s the A-list.